Watch as Coach Luka Slabe discusses the 2 most impactful qualities for a setter. The first is setting a hittable ball. There are no perfect sets. Set a hittable ball and let the attacker do […]
Preparation Stops When Competition Starts with Craig Skinner – Univ. of Kentucky
Watch as Coach Craig Skinner talks about the importance of preparation and explains that prep stops when the competition starts. Mid-game adjustments are fine, but if your players have not learned what is needed beforehand, […]
Leadership is Authentic, Relentless, Selfless Service to a Cause with Colonel Craig Flowers – Sideline Leadership
Watch as Colonel Craig Flowers explains that the term leadership is often clouded by clichés. He explains that in its simplest form leadership is service to a cause. Many times, Coaches fail to define leadership, […]
Base Release Drill with Kellen Petrone – Univ. of Pittsburgh
Watch as Coach Kellen Petrone explains, and players demonstrate this base release drill that focuses on moving backwards as well as forward. The defender will execute the base release on the hitter’s toss and be […]
Leaders Must be Great Communicators with Robert Grasso – La Jolla Country Day School (CA)
Watch as Robert Grasso explains his philosophy of leadership on how athletes must be great communicators. They must be able to communicate with teammates as well as the coaches. He stresses that team leaders should […]
Three Impactful Ways to Help Athletes Build Mental Strength Right Now
By: Julie Hatfield-Still Provided By: Beyond The Game Alliance Athletics are about more than just winning games or improving physical skills, it’s also a critical time for building the mental strength athletes need to succeed […]
Pressure Serving Drills with Becky Edwards – Lancaster Central High School (NY)
Watch as Becky Edwards explains that every day before a game, they have a 5-minute serving warmup focusing on different types of serves. After the warmup, it is time for pressure serving, in which all […]
How to Avoid Coaching Burnout with Dr. Lee Dorpfeld – Univ. of South Florida
Watch as Dr. Lee Dorpfeld explains that burnout is unlikely to affect coaches who don’t care or who aren’t passionate about their work. However, most successful coaches who invest significant time and effort without maintaining […]
Setters: Band Wall Warmup with Adam Brewster – Tabor College
Watch as Coach Adam Brewster explains, and players demonstrate this wall warmup for setters. Bands placed around the setters’ wrists help to keep hands close and prevent them from moving independently. Players start by facing […]
Working on Team Chemistry with Haley Eckerman – Kent State Univ.
Watch as Coach Haley Eckerman explains how she works on team chemistry. In the off-season, the team has a weekly one-hour session on leadership and culture. A different player plans each activity, and Coach Eckerman […]
Training Seam Serving & Visualization with Megan Lenhart – Cornerstone Univ.
Watch as Coach Megan Lenhart explains training seam serving and visualization. Her servers work on serving to four seams that you would see against a three-person passing setup. She explains the locations of the four […]
Student-Athletes and the Media
By: Carolyn Peck Originally Published in: Winning Ways of Women Coaches Provided by: Human Kinetics Inviting the media into your sports program means they have access to the student-athletes. I highly recommend, before you allow media […]
Serving: Towel Drill with Simone Asque-Favia
Watch as Coach Simone Asque-Favia explains, and players demonstrate this towel serving drill. The players will simulate a serve but will hit the ball with the towel, bringing their hand all the way through. It […]
China Ball Handling Drill with Terri Neujahr – Waverly High School (NE)
Watch as Coach Terri Neujahr explains, and players demonstrate this ball handling drill which focuses on communication and can be varied for all players. Players will travel end line to end line in a continuous […]
Arm Swing & Digging Drill Progression with Michael Bynon – Lakeside Volleyball Club (NY)
Watch as Coach Michael Bynon explains, and players demonstrate these arm swing and digging progression drills. The focus of the progression is good arm swing mechanics and good defensive positioning. The defender will use a […]
Minimizing Your Athletes’ Anxiety with Robert Schinke – Laurentian Univ.
Watch as Robert Schinke discusses minimizing your athletes’ anxiety. Lack of confidence is the main cause of anxiety for athletes as an upcoming event nears. Focusing on previous negative performances instead of their positive performances […]
Leading Others
By: Jamy Bechler – Athletic Director at Midway University (KY) Originally Published in: THE LEADERSHIP PLAYBOOK It is not just enough to lead yourself effectively, you must also have a positive influence on others, John […]
Defensive Drill vs. Live Attacker & BOSU Ball with Kaylee Prigge – Univ. of Wyoming
Watch as Coach Kaylee Prigge explains this defensive drill with the defense vs. live attackers and a BOSU ball. This is a 20-minute drill with the defenders facing a three-ball sequence twice for a total […]
Blocking Progression Training with Jordana Price – Tulane Univ.
Watch as Coach Jordana Price explains, and players demonstrate this flexible blocking progression which starts with slow reps and allows Coach to add layers and get creative. First, the focus is on spacing and footwork […]
Dot Passing Drill with Melissa Wolter – Univ. of West Florida
Watch as Coach Melissa Wolter explains and players demonstrate this competitive dot passing drill. Using circles on the court, Coach has players focus on control while tracking the ball and presenting their platform early. This […]
Power Tipping: Middle Attacking Warmups with Dan Meske – Univ. of Louisville
Watch as Coach Dan Meske explains, and players demonstrate this power tipping warmup progression. Starting with a basketball, players will execute their full approach and tip the ball, focusing on wrist movement and finishing with […]
Digging Run-Through Drill with Rocco Lucci – Niagara Frontier VB Club
Watch as Coach Rocco Lucci explains, and players demonstrate this run-through drill that focuses on digging balls that are far away. Coach wants players to start very low with arms out ready for a hard-hit […]
Mental Toughness: A Skill That Can Be Developed with Dr. Colleen Hacker – Team USA / Pacific Lutheran Univ.
Watch as Dr. Colleen Hacker explains that mental toughness is a skill, and it can be developed. It is about how an individual responds to adversity, difficult situations, setbacks, and failure. Mental toughness is not […]
Pre-Practice Band Routine with Jon Binish – Bolingbrook High School (IL)
Watch as Coach Jon Binish explains, and players demonstrate this everyday pre-practice resistance band routine. Explain to your players the reasoning behind this routine, emphasizing that the focus is to improve shoulder health and movement […]
2-Contact Game with Shay Goulding Meurer – Salt Lake Community College
Watch as Coach Shay Goulding Meurer explains, and players demonstrate this competitive two-touch game that encourages productive communication. Players focus on digging a hittable ball — hitting high and off the net. When a team […]
Filling the Void – Life After Sport
Originally published in an Adam Sarancik Book A close friend from my high school and college years passed away recently. He was, quite simply, the most talented and gifted high school athlete I have ever […]
Bucket Passing Drill with Jen DeJarld – Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School (IL)
Watch as Coach Jen DeJarld explains, and players demonstrate this bucket passing drill working on proper movement, tracking, and angles. The goal is to keep good form and not worry too much about the ball […]
Setter’s Tempo Drill with Lyndsey Oates – Univ. of Northern Colorado
Watch as Coach Lyndsey Oates explains, and a setter demonstrates this setter’s tempo drill. Setters must be aware of where they are on the court and be able to adjust their tempo accordingly. The closer […]
Hitter’s Hand Contact Drill with Kathleen Miller – Oak Lawn Community High School (IL)
Watch as Coach Kathleen Miller explains, and players demonstrate this hitter’s hand contact drill. The hitters are up on a box and working on four different shot selections: #1 finishing the swing with the thumb […]
Attacker: Decision and Execution Errors with Travis Hudson – Western Kentucky Univ.
Watch as Coach Travis Hudson discusses the two types of errors attackers make – decision errors and execution errors. Coach explains the difference between the two errors and how evaluating where the errors are coming […]