In this AD Insider – Digital Marketing Series Episode 2, presented by Gipper, we sit down with Ryan Stone, Sr., Athletic Director and Assistant Principal at Gray’s Creek High School in Hope Mills, NC, to […]
Setting Your Athletic Department’s Foundation with Martin DuSold – Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Martin DuSold, former Athletic Director at Beaumont High School (CA) and current Area Director for the FCA, discusses culture and setting the foundation for your athletic program. He covers in detail the following points: Mission/Vision […]
Shifting Game Day Management to a Hospitality Lens with Rob Seymour, CMAA – Fishers High School (IN)
Rob Seymour explains how to shift game day management to a hospitality lens. He presents six slides and covers in detail examples on how you can take care of game day management. #1 Enhancing Game […]
Small School Roster Management with Todd Gulluscio, CMAA – Shelter Island Union Free School District (NY)
Todd Gulluscio explains that as a smaller school, they don’t cut students on their athletic teams. Every student has an opportunity to experience a team environment and all that comes with it. The problem is […]
Handling Interactions in Education-Based Athletics: Strategies for a Positive Approach [NIAAA]
By: Josh Mathews, CMAA – Pope High School, (GA) and Jeremy Schlitz – Madison Memorial High School (WI) Education-based athletics offer an excellent opportunity for young students to learn valuable life skills such as leadership, […]
Digital Marketing Series Episode 1: Athletic Department Newsletter Presented By Gipper
In this AD Insider – Digital Marketing Series Episode 1, presented by Gipper, we sit down with Colin Fegeley, CMAA, Athletic Director at Green Level High School in Cary, NC, to discuss the benefits of […]
ADs & Coaches Make a Difference with Darryl Nance, CMAA – Greenville County Schools (SC)
Darryl Nance explains that he tries to sell the message and make people understand the importance of relationships and the impact that ADs & Coaches have on kids. He encourages ADs & Coaches not to […]
Leadership Drives the Culture with Jon Gordon – The Jon Gordon Companies
Jon Gordon explains that leadership drives culture. It is important to identify what you stand for, what you want to be known for, and what you value. Culture is not static, it is dynamic, so […]
Mental Toughness: A Skill That Can Be Developed with Dr. Colleen Hacker – Team USA / Pacific Lutheran Univ.
Dr. Colleen Hacker explains that mental toughness is a skill, and it can be developed. It is about how an individual responds to adversity, difficult situations, setbacks, and failure. Mental toughness is not required when […]
Advice for New ADs: Dos & Don’ts with Michael Duffy – Carroll County Public Schools (MD)
Michael Duffy gives advice to new Athletic Directors on the dos and don’ts of starting the school year. It is important for any AD to develop relationships and he advises being visible and taking the […]
Integration vs. Balance with Lauren McDaniel, CAA – Central Kitsap School District (WA)
Lauren McDaniel discusses replacing the phrase “work-life balance” with this new phrase, “integration vs. balance”. The goal is to find ways to integrate an individual’s personal life, well-being, and family into their work. She explains […]
Ongoing Conversations: A Different Idea for Coach Evaluations [NIAAA]
By: Darren Howard, CMAA – St. Charles East High School Athletic Director (IL) Whether you oversee a coaching staff of 15 or 140, coaching evaluations are something that every athletic administrator has on their plate. […]
EP 137: How to Be Your Athletic Department’s CEO – Chief Educational Officer with Dr. David Hoch, CMAA
In this AD Insider | Thursday 30 episode, presented by Concordia University Irvine, we sat down with Dr. David Hoch, CMAA, Retired Athletic Director, and the MOST prolific writer on education-based athletics in the WORLD! Topics […]
The Parent-Coach-Athlete Triangle with Don Baker, CMAA – Cobb County Schools (GA)
Don Baker, District Director of Athletics at Cobb County Schools in Georgia, explains that the parent-coach-athlete triangle is a triangle of individuals that must work together to promote the best student-athlete experience. He uses the […]
High School NIL Education Checklist with Ryan Miller – Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School (NJ)
Ryan Miller discusses NILs and where ADs, parents, and athletes can go for help to understand current updates. Ryan feels that educators have a responsibility to help inform families and presents three web sites that […]
Educating Athletes That Social Media Is Their Life Resume with Kim Karr – ICANHELP
Watch as Kim Karr emphasizes the importance in communicating with your athletes and parents that their posts on social media represent their life resume. Colleges and athletic departments are checking potential recruits’ and applicants’ social […]
Improving the Skill of Writing for Athletic Administrators [NIAAA]
By: David Hoch, CMAA (Retired) Communication is an extremely important and unavoidable aspect of athletic administration. When you consider all the tasks and responsibilities involved with the position, most involve some form of communication – […]
What’s Your Favorite Interview Question? – Athletic Director Compilation
In this compilation, several ADs share their favorite interview questions for open coaching position applicants. Here are some sample questions: What do you want me to know about you before you leave this room? What […]
Playing Time and Parents with Jake von Scherrer – Victory Educational Athletics
Jake von Scherrer explains how he communicates the idea of playing time with parents and shares the school’s play time philosophy at the varsity, junior varsity, and middle school levels. There will be starters, subs, […]
You Can Be Right and Lose with Darryl Nance – Greenville County Schools (SC)
Darryl Nance explains that sometimes you are going to be right no matter how much it costs you. Beware of this political pothole as you can be right and still lose. Factors such as sharing […]
Coach Evaluation Checklist with Jeremy Schlitz, CAA – Madison Metropolitan School District (WI)
Jeremy Schlitz discusses coach evaluations and having tough conversations. He explains the checklist he uses for the tough conversations with a coach that can involve improving practices, the program in general, or letting a coach […]
Educating Parents About Club Sports with Jim Perry – Huntington Beach UHSD (CA)
Jim Perry explains the importance of educating parents about club sports. He states that over 60% of parents with a child participating in club sports go into debt. Club sports can average $800 to $1,200 […]
The Athletic Administrator’s Tool Kit…Literally, That Is [NIAAA]
By: Gary Stevens, CMAA – Thornton Academy (Saco, Maine) During my 26 years serving in the athletic director’s role, I have stocked two different types of tool kits to perform a role that is constantly […]
EP 140: How to Maximize a School Sports Budget with Ben Tensay, CMAA – Bloomfield Schools (NM)
In this AD Insider | Thursday 30 episode, presented by HomeTown Ticketing, we sat down with Ben Tensay, CMAA, the District Director of Athletics at Bloomfield Schools in Bloomfield, New Mexico. Topics covered in this episode […]
The Pros and Cons of the Paradox of Sport with Craig Perry, CMAA – U.S. Council for Athletes’ Health (USCAH)
Craig Perry discusses the pros and cons of The Paradox of Sport. The pros are that administrators of high school sports are striving to create a culture that maximizes the joyous, exhilarating, and excellent experiences […]
What Does it Take to Hold Someone Accountable? with Stephen Mackey – 2Words Character Development
Stephen Mackey explains that it takes expectation, equipping, and encouragement to teach students and athletes to be accountable. You can have a very high standard but if you don’t teach them how to achieve it, […]
The Necessary Evil [NIAAA]
By: Mark Rerick, CMAA – Univ. of North Dakota Cut [kuht] – (verb) – to separate from the main body, or to abridge or shorten. But, when it comes to athletics, perhaps this is a […]
Social Media: Creating Athletic Department Standards with Don Baker – Cobb County School District (GA)
Don Baker suggests that your athletic department create a set of standards based on how you use social media and who is responsible for it. He also thinks having a pause system in place before […]
There Is Nobility in the Struggle with Dr. Colleen Hacker, FNAP – Team USA / Pacific Lutheran Univ.
Watch as Dr. Colleen Hacker discusses mental toughness and how today’s environment and culture do not value and respect the struggles and difficulties that athletes encounter. Not achieving in any form of athletics may be […]
Using Social Media to Your Advantage with Scot Hafley – Wichita Falls ISD (TX)
Scot Hafley explains how social media has changed. He informs his coaches that social media needs to be used after the games to narrate the message of the positive aspects of the game, so coaches […]