Watch: High Pick & Roll With Mike Procopio
Multi Skill Drill with MaChelle Joseph – (Retired) Georgia Institute of Technology
Watch Multi Skill Drill – MaChelle Joseph – GA Tech
4 Corners Passing and Communication Drill with Mike Brey – Atlanta Hawks
Watch 4 Corners Passing and Communication Drill – Mike Brey
Four Line Passing Drill with Matt Bollant – Eastern Illinois Univ.
Watch Four Line Passing Drill – Matt Bollant
Baseline Out of Bounds Play #2 with Michael Peck – Findlay Prep HS (NV)
Watch Baseline Out of Bounds Play #2 – Michael Peck – Findlay Prep HS (NV)
Get The Ball Inbounds – “Tight” with Chris Mack – College of Charleston
Watch Get The Ball Inbounds – “Tight” with Chris Mack – Xavier Univ.
Zone Def. In-Bounds – Thom Sigel
Watch Zone Def. In-Bounds – Thom Sigel
Sideline Out of Bounds Play – Michael Peck
Watch Sideline Out of Bounds Play – Michael Peck
Ball Handling with Joanne P. McCallie – Duke Univ.
Watch Ball Handling – Joanne P. McCallie – Duke Univ.
Individual Offensive Skills – Hesitation with Travis Ford – Oklahoma State Univ.
Watch Individual Offensive Skills – Hesitation – Travis Ford – OK State [VIDEO]
1 on 2 Lay Ups with Matt Painter – Purdue Univ.
Watch 1 on 2 Lay Ups – Matt Painter – Purdue Univ.
Post Reversal Drill
One of the best times to reverse the ball, is when your up in the high post – a quick cut as the ball is swung around the wing can often create great separation between yourself and the defender, leading to an easy shot close to the hoop.
Women’s Basketball Single-Leg Training Tips
Watch a basketball game closely. You’ll notice something strange. It’s primarily played on one leg in multiple planes. A crossover is a simple weight shift from one leg to the other in the frontal plane. A layup is a single-leg explosive hop in…
Amherst 2 on 2 Drill
Part of a warmup (second, third or fourth drill of a practice) — this is a great teaching drill for defense; offense; reading and setting screens; hi-low; inbounding vs. pressure; transition; trapping and breaking traps; and dribble drive…
Drills to Create the Ultimate Basketball Crossover
The crossover is the Swiss army knife of basketball moves. It’s effective against every kind of defender. A great crossover can break ankles at every level, from middle school to the NBA. One of the most memorable ankle-breaking moves in the last…
Off the Dribble Shooting Drills
One of the skills that separates good players from great players is the ability to shoot the pull-up jumper while on the move. Players who can do this have a mid-range game—a rare quality in this day of the three-point field goal. Most players…
Mid Range Shooting Drills
You can use countless drills to learn the midrange jump shot. These are just a few of my favorites. Although they are simple, they are effective. Keep in mind the fundamental technique of the one-two step that we have covered in this chapter. All…
How to Run a Killer Spread Triangle
This is a spread triangle that I developed specifically for my team. I took the best parts of the triangle and incorporated them into the spread which is more of a 4-out 1-in type of look- which I think more teams are going to now. So I kept my…
Perimeter Plays vs. Man Defense – Point Drop
To set a ball screen for the off-guard so she can attack or kick out to the point guard coming off a double screen.
Training Tips to Prevent Basketball Injuries
Basketball injuries can derail a season, but you can take steps to prevent them and hasten recovery.
1. Pay attention to your nutrition needs
Athletes have different nutrition requirements based on their size, gender, sport and health…
Three Quick-Shot Plays
To set up your best shooter for a three-point shot or your best playmaker for a one-on-one opportunity.
Woelffer Post and Seal Drill
We start with six perimeter players at the three perimeter spots (wing/top/wing) making sure the defensive players are aggressive and active. We want them to get deflections and “stand up” the offensive players. They are not allowed to deflect or…
3 P’s of Rebounding: Women’s Basketball Drills
In addition to “Practice,” there are two other “P”s that lead to success as a rebounder.
Prevent. When the ball leaves the shooter’s hand, create contact with your opponent with a solid box-out between your opponent and the basket. Prevent her…
The Best Basketball Conditioning Drills
There is a huge difference between being in shape and being in basketball shape. A simple treadmill run, bike ride, or swim will not prepare your body for the fast-paced demands of the basketball season. To be ready for the first day of tryouts or…
Playing As the Underdog
Some coaches might look at playing as an Underdog a challenge. Some coaches might look at playing as an Underdog as disrespectful. We, here at Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, FL, have taken on the Underdog role in several games. At our…
2 Drills to Speed Up Basketball Footwork
Basketball is a game that starts with the feet. Cutting, jumping, sliding and backpedaling all work from the ground up. Yet when we train for basketball, we typically train for whole-body performance and pay too little attention to our feet.
Off-Season Workout Program for Basketball Centers
To dominate in the paint, basketball centers must be big, strong and have a high vertical jump. They must also have the endurance to run from hoop to hoop so they can play under the basket on both offense and defense…
The Best Exercises for Female Basketball Players
The differences between male and female basketball strength training are minimal. Both guys and gals must get bigger, stronger and faster and be able to jump higher. If they want to compete on the court, female athletes must increasingly train…
3 Keys To Coaching Man-To-Man Defense
No matter what level of play, all basketball teams share a common goal: have the higher score when the final buzzer sounds. A strong offense is your playmaker, but defense wins games.
Although some coaches favor active zone defenses, in my…
Coaching Defensive Basketball – How to Stop a Dominant Post Scorer
One problem has plagued coaches for years – how do you defend size without size? And there is only one answer – with a double team.
If you don’t have the height to defend a dynamic post scorer, you have to use the speed and mobility of your…