Compliance at the High School level is becoming much more encompassing. Colleges have been dealing with Title IX mandates since the early 70s, while High Schools were allowed to phase them in over a longer […]
The Importance of Identifying Your Sports Medicine Team with Kevin G. Adams – Varina HS (VA)
Kevin G. Adams discusses the philosophy and mission of a high school sports medicine team. Who makes up the sports medicine team is vital and should include a sports medicine physician, certified athletic trainer, student […]
The Transition Game: Assisting Students and Their Parents in the Shift… [NIAAA]
The Transition Game: Assisting Students and Their Parents in the Shift from Middle School to High School Athletics One of the most challenging moments for any student progressing through their educational years is the experience […]
The Need for Post-Season Summaries [NIAAA]
The end of any sport season is a complex time for athletic directors. There are awards to determine, budgets to balance, banquets to plan, equipment to check in, inventories to total, and evaluations to be […]
Conference Opening General Session Speaker – Dr. Rick Rigsby [NIAAA]
Dr. Rick Rigsby is President and CEO of Rick Rigsby Communications. The former award-winning journalist followed a television career with graduate school – and two decades as a college professor…most of those years at Texas […]
70% or Higher Membership States [NIAAA]
Commendation States Maintaining 70% or Higher NIAAA Membership among High Schools:
Budget Advice for Young ADs with Michael Hughes – Lakewood HS (CO)
What do your coaches need to be successful? Michael Hughes discusses how much of a challenge budgeting can be for young ADs and some common mistakes that are made.
Baseball Facility Equity Story with Todd Satterly – Jeffersonville HS (IN)
Have you experienced facility equity problems in your program? Todd Satterly discusses one story from his program and gives some advice on how you can avoid future equity issues. This material comes from an […]
Booster Club Problems: Financial Responsibility with Dale Hart, Executive Director – Association of School Booster Clubs
What you allow, you encourage! Dale Hart speaks on the importance of holding your booster clubs accountable by establishing accounting procedures and accurate financial reporting.
15 Traits of Natural Leaders [NIAAA]
15 Traits of Natural Leaders Find Them – Hire Them – Train Them – Empower Them Proactive Coaching At the end of successful seasons we often hear coaches attribute the success to “we had great […]
Athletic Facilities: Does Your Method Align with Your Mission? [NIAAA]
By: John Evers, CMAA Every athletic director knows that the scheduling and maintenance of facilities is one of the toughest jobs to complete in a fair, timely and equitable manner. Many times, emotion and relationships […]
NIAAA Tools for Educators [NIAAA]
Every educator needs to be informed of potential negligence and liability risks while working with students. The NIAAA’s Leadership Training Course (LTC 504) does just that, it prepares all educators to be prepared for the […]
29 States Stand at Record Membership [NIAAA]
29 States Stand at Record Membership:
Leadership: Why It Matters with Bruce Whitehead – NIAAA
Bruce Whitehead explains why leadership is so important with an emphasis on the right kind of leadership. He believes that leadership should focus on empowering and benefiting those that are being led. A mentor or […]
How to Prepare for the CAA Exam with Bob Hill – NCADA
Bob Hill discusses a few strategies for preparing to take the CAA exam. The CAA practice test can be accessed by using the NIAAA portal and Professional Development Academy. The three study strategies that are […]
42 States Receive NIAAA Commendation for Membership [NIAAA]
A record 42 states earned the NIAAA Board Commendation for accomplishments in 2018 membership. The recognition is received in 3 categories including raising NIAAA membership by at least 10% over the previous year, maintaining 70% […]
Building Better Leaders with Mike McGurk, CMAA – Missouri [NIAAA]
Having been involved in athletics as a coach and athletic administrator for 24 years, I have learned that one element that separates good teams from great teams is strong leadership. I firmly believe we can […]
Interested in Some NIAAA Gear? Start Shopping Now! [NIAAA]
Interested in some NIAAA Gear? Start shopping now using the link below!
Patterns of Hazing You and Your Coaches Should Be Aware of with Brian Lewis – Jasper HS (IN)
Educate yourself about common patterns and signs of hazing that can negatively impact your athletic program. Discuss hazing with your entire coaching staff and make sure everyone is on the same page in regards to […]
Data Driven ISD with Michelle Morris – Legacy HS (TX)
Coach Michelle Morris explains how her district wants to be data driven and how every coach records specific team information such as community service hours, number of participants, and social media on a google doc. […]
Leveraging Athletics to Improve Student Performance by Joe Piro [NIAAA]
I am the Director of Athletics for the Nutley School District and at NHS almost two-thirds of our student population participates in interscholastic athletics. We believe that because athletes represent the largest group within our […]
12 States Lead in Membership Increase [NIAAA]
The highest annual increase in NIAAA membership numbers for 2017-18 was led by the Ohio IAAA, with a gain of 117 members over the last year. The top twelve in order included: Ohio IAAA — […]
The NIAAA Classroom [NIAAA]
The NIAAA Learning Management System, known as the NIAAA Classroom, now offers all core courses that lead toward RAA, RMSAA, CAA and CMAA certification. The four levels of certification include: Registered Athletic Administrator Registered Middle […]
Going from Coach to AD – Advice with Maria E. Kennedy – El Paso ISD (TX)
You think so much differently as a coach because you only focus on one program. When you become an administrator, you now have to focus on everything.
Help the Administration Achieve Their Goals and They Will Help You Achieve Yours – Peter Jacobson
Coach Peter Jacobson explains how a coaching philosophy of teaching life skills and core values helps support school administrators in achieving the overall education mission of the school.
Duty #3: Legal Standards for Selecting and Training Coaches with Todd Satterly – Jeffersonville HS (IN)
More and more coaches are being hired that are not educators. They lack the formal training of supervision, technique instruction, warnings, medical assistance, safe playing environment, etc. They just want to go do the x’s […]
5 Things You Need to Consider When Implementing Something New with Don Bales, Retired AD – Lowell HS (IN)
My implementation checklist: How are you going to communicate it? Who are you going to communicate it with? Why should you communicate it? How are you going to connect it? Do you have a handle […]
FLSA Compliance: Handling Payment for Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees with Michelle York – Heritage Christian HS (IN)
It is important to understand the common categories of exempt and non-exempt job duties if you are going to have your staff members work events outside of their job description. This material comes from […]
12 State Athletic Associations Completed the 2017-18 Membership Year… [NIAAA]
12 state athletic administrator associations completed the 2017-18 membership year with 100%, or higher, NIAAA membership. Congratulations to: Connecticut AAD —- 131% Delaware AAD —- 109% Hawaii IADA —- 136% Indiana IAAA —- 140% Maryland […]
Ohio IAAA Claims the Top Spot for NIAAA Membership [NIAAA]
Ohio IAAA claims the top spot for NIAAA membership numbers from among the 51 state athletic administrator associations. Ohio grew by 117 last year to reach 667. The New York SAAA set the all-time NIAAA […]