Ground-based Exercises to Aid with Acceleration by Natasha Lothery Ringenberg, MS, CSCS, USATF originally published on M-F Athletic -
Acceleration is a force characterized by pushing. To accelerate forward an athlete must impart a backward force, a push, into the ground. The stronger the force is applied (with optimal technique), the faster the athlete accelerates. Force should be applied with attention to the right muscle groups and right form. The major muscle groups involved in acceleration or applying the push into the ground are the extensors of the hip, knee, and ankle. The following are exercises that focus on working these muscles in a fashion similar to accelerating on foot. These can be added as teaching tools and warm-up/activation exercises to supplement your acceleration based training program. 1. Donkey Kick Donkey Kicks Exercise Description: 2. Mt. Climber The athlete should be able to execute several repetitions of alternating hip flexion and extension without bouncing up and down in the hips, or sagging in their low back. The goal, once again, is to execute movement from the hips down while preventing movement in the low back. Mt. Climber Exercise Description: **Action position: The common goal of these exercises is to educate the athlete on maintaining proper core posture. The ability to stabilize the torso while performing explosive movements with the limbs is vital not only for optimal performance, but to maintain joint and muscle health. Teach athletes that the limbs are only as functional as what they are attached to-the core. With attention to the finer details, and repetition with the above stated exercises, athletes may see promising results in their performance.