Originally Published in: Game Ready - 52 Takeaways for Winning You are probably thinking, what in the world does this guy mean with the statement potential will get you fired. Potential is great, right? Potential is awesome, right? How could potential get you fired? First, what does potential look like? It is untapped ability, which if not tapped into by the owner, will become worthless. What value is potential if not tapped? In the coaching world - truth be told - in every walk of life, the saying 'potential will get you fired' holds true. A coach could have a whole bunch of players with potential, but if that coach doesn't attempt to tap that potential and use it to the very best of their God-given talents and abilities then what good is that potential? It is great to have potential. It is greater to tap it! Many times, the one with potential doesn't really know or believe they have it. That player, student, or employee doesn't see their potential. It's possible, for some reason, they have been blinded to it over time. It is up to the coach, teacher, or leader - whomever is in charge - to try to the best of their ability to clear up any doubts. You must be willing to push, pull, or prod, within reason, in order to get a player to tap that potential. Most people have never been challenged enough in their lives to really live up to their full potential. I believe some coaches do not challenge their players enough to 'tap that potential.' If you do not challenge your players enough to 'tap that potential.' then you are doing your players a great disservice. In reality, you are not doing your job. It is definitely a two-way street. A coach, teacher, or leader can only do so much to help someone recognize their potential and provide avenues in which that potential can be tapped. It's really pretty simple. As a player you have a choice. Do you choose to tap your potential or do you choose to not tap your potential? After you make the choice, then what do you do? You live with it. Now, what choice do you make? It's totally up to you. |