Provided by: Raise Your Game Facing the Tests Character is about acting on your values. You might think you have character but believe that in the business world it has to be tucked away, that it's not an asset there. Maybe you've been told that the snake gets ahead, so you should bury your better instincts. This is simply not true. Character must be consistent, or else we call it something else. We are constantly bombarded with situations that test our character. We're all human, and we all make mistakes. Character is not always black and white. It goes deeper than just not stealing money from someone's dresser. It's internal choices: if we're doing sprints at practice and I keep stopping two inches before the line - because no one sees me - that's a character issue. Character is not about being a saint. It's the ability to acknowledge poor decisions and not repeat them. If not, what happens is that over time, it gets easier to act immorally, a process that slowly erodes your character. Are you a leader whose life is worth following? Do those who work for you know what you stand for? When in doubt, follow the rule of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt: make sure you would work for yourself. Key Point: Character is who you truly are, and it will show through. Lack of character and integrity undermines all of a leader's credibility. Remember: