Adam and Kathy Bates discuss the importance of Athletic Directors taking care of themselves which allows them to be effective in their work environment. They recommend the following: exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, have […]
Advice on Approaching Building Projects with Paula Gonzalez – McAllen ISD
Paula Gonzalez explains that McAllen ISD and the city have a partnership on upgrades and renovations. This works well for the athletes and the community as both can share the facilities. Getting feedback from your […]
Taking 790 and Becoming a State Instructor with Mark Hunter – Executive Director, UIAAA
Mark Hunter explains the importance of taking course 790, becoming a state instructor and eventually a national instructor. As an instructor of 790 you must maintain the integrity of the Leadership Training Institute and the […]
The Ethics and Integrity Imperative
By: Dr. David Hoch, CMAA As an athletic administrator, you have countless tasks and responsibilities associated with the position. Every day is unique and you are extremely busy. It takes good time management skills, effort, […]
EP 6: Special Edition – Coronavirus Inside High School Athletics
Is the COVID-19 pandemic being handled efficiently by your Athletic Department? How have your student-athletes been affected and what steps are being taken to protect your program? Join us today as we speak with Mike […]
EP 5: Raise Your Game! How to Elevate Your Performance as a Leader with Alan Stein Jr.
Are you being selfish when you think you’re being selfless? Are there gaps in your personal or your organization’s performance? Do you struggle with confronting coworkers when their performance is not up to par? This episode of […]
Social Media Recommendations with Tony Dillingham – Bentonville West High School (AR)
Tony Dillingham discusses the importance social media can have on both athletes and coaches. His policy is to educate athletes that what they place on social media is being seen by parents, the public, and […]
Positive Presentations with Doug Killgore – Central Arkansas Christian Schools [NIAAA]
Doug Killgore discusses the importance of knowing yourself, knowing your tools, and most importantly knowing your audience when giving a professional presentation.
Culture: Self-Preservation with Kevin DeShazo
What are you trying to prove? And why? Watch as Kevin DeShazo discusses the negative effects of self-preservation and shares the questions you can use to avoid falling down a slippery slope to unnecessary stress […]
The Benefits of an Effective Investigation When Allegations Occur with Jason Parker, J.D. – Muskogee Public Schools (OK)
Jason Parker, J.D. discusses the benefits of conducting and effective investigations when allegations occur. Whatever the size of your investigation, make the experience a positive instead of a negative. The positives include finding out the […]
EP 4: Turning a Toxic Culture Into a Terrific Culture with Joe Kimling – Washington High School (OH)
This episode of the ADInsider podcast brings us to Columbus, Ohio inside the OIAAA State Conference, where we had the chance to chat with Madeira City Schools’ Athletic Director Joe Kimling. Joe shares his experience […]
Understanding and Dealing with Challenging Personalities with Scott Dorsett – The Webb School (TN) [NIAAA]
Scott Dorsett discusses understanding and dealing with challenging personalities. Challenging personalities can be disgruntled parents and coaches, and general workplace conflicts. A good strategy is to always remain calm and try to get some perspective […]
2020 Spring Webinar Schedule [NIAAA]
In an effort to meet the needs of individuals who desire to enhance their knowledge of interscholastic athletic administration and cannot attend the national conference or state conference, the NIAAA seasonally offers selected courses in […]
Stress Is Perceived and It Is a Choice with Will Hostrawser – LaVille Senior HS (IN)
You cannot control others actions, but you can be responsible for your reactions! Do not let stress take control of your life. Take the first step and understand what the stressors are in your life […]
EP 3: Developing Mental Health Support Systems for Your Coaches & Athletes with Dr. Lee Dorpfeld – University of South Florida
This episode of the ADInsider podcast brings in Mental Health expert Dr. Lee Dorpfeld. As the Behavior Health Coordinator at the University of South Florida, Dr. Lee Dorpfeld is in the trenches every day helping […]
Treating Sudden Cardiac Arrest with Dan Newman – Union Public Schools (OK)
Dan Newman explains that sudden cardiac arrest is survivable when witnessed and an AED is applied. The survival rate is 93% with an AED onsite compared to 9% in non-AED equipped facilities.
The Value of Accreditation with Al Sersland – KIAAA [NIAAA]
Al Sersland discusses NIAAA Accreditation and what is means to you as a member. The NIAAA has reached a certain level of quality and continues to maintain it while striving to constantly improve.
Practical Suggestions for the New Athletic Director [NIAAA]
By: Paul Pignatello In 2010, I was serving as the supervisor of Health, Physical Education, and School Nurses. At the conclusion of that school year, our Athletic Director retired. Our board of education decided to […]
Budgeting Strategies and How to Identify the Best One for You with Timothy Jackson – Clark County School District (NV)
Timothy Jackson explains the three types of budgets he has used in his career and goes into detail on each type. The Submitted Budget is when each team is given a final budget and the […]
EP 2: Current Issues in School Sports Law with Lee Green, J.D.
This episode of the ADInsider podcast was recorded at the National Athletic Directors Conference, where we had the chance to sit down with Sports Law expert Dr. Lee Green to discuss: What Athletic Directors and […]
How to Ensure Staff Accountability – THSADA Panel
A panel of Texas High School Athletic Directors discuss how they ensure staff accountability at their schools.
An Athletic Director’s Perspective on an Artificial Turf Project with Dan Armstrong – (Retired) Northwestern High School (IN) [NIAAA]
Dan Armstrong discusses his experience and recommendations for an artificial turf project. Form a committee and make sure all the stakeholders such as coaches, teachers, administrators and board members are involved in the process. It […]
Communication: There Is No ‘Middle Ground’ [NIAAA]
By: Chris Hobbs, CMAA – Florida George Bernard Shaw once stated, ‘The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.’ Few professionals can testify to the reality of this statement […]
2019 Scholarship National Recipients Announcement [NIAAA]
NEWS RELEASE NATIONAL INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATORS ASSOCIATION 9100 Keystone Crossing, Suite 650 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317-587-1450, FAX 317-587-1451 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mike Blackburn INDIANAPOLIS, IN (December 18, 2019) – The winners of the […]
Misconduct by School Employees: Inquiry and Analysis with Jeffrey Sitz, CMAA – Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association
Watch as Jeffrey Sitz discusses 5 topics you should be aware of as an AD related to the inquiry and analysis of misconduct by school employees. Mr. Sitz also explains the importance of being proactive […]
Electronic Cigarettes with Brian King – CDC
Brian King explains that there are four major types of e-cigarettes and how the products have evolved over time. This overview explains how the current e-cigarettes can be modified with other harmful substances and have […]