By: Wade Gilbert Originally Published in: Coaching Better Every Season Provided by: Human Kinetics E-File Team-Building Activity Instructions Objective The E in E-File stands for enthusiasm. The activity is designed to teach and reinforce the importance of being a good teammate by serving as a source of positive energy and support for each other. At the end of the activity each athlete on the team receives an enthusiasm file filled with statements of admiration from every other teammate. This activity can be done at any time during the season, but it may be most effective late in the preseason after the team has had some time to train and compete together so that the enthusiasm comments will be more authentic. Materials Required Pencils, a pad of paper, and one file folder for each athlete. Procedure
Discussion Questions
Reprinted, by permission, from J.J. Hammermeister, 2010, Cornerstones of coaching: The building blocks for sport coaches and teams (Traverse City, MI: Cooper Publishing), 228. Coaches should use the time immediately following a team-building activity to lead the team in an open discussion about the meaning and lessons that can be derived from the activity. The goal of the debriefing period is not to solve any team-building issues, but to stimulate self- and collective-reflection about team dynamics. |