Watch as Coach Stephanie VanBrakle Prothro explains and shows video examples of these four drills to help load and posture. These are great drills for working on pitching movements without pitching. The Standing Glute Activation is a 30-second drill per leg that works on glute activation and balance. Standing Broad/Long Jumps works on hip hinge and exploding from a stand still position. The Standing Single Leg to Jump - Both Feet Drill is a combo of the 2 previous drills. The final drill is standing single leg to jump - one foot where the pitcher swings the leg and jumps out then does the same with the other leg as she works on loading and exploding. The 2nd part of the drill is swinging the leg, simulating a pitching motion.
Stephanie VanBrakle Prothro was formerly a coach at the University of Memphis.