Originally Published in: Game Ready - 52 Takeaways for Winning Previously, I shared that my daddy was a professional cowboy in Texas. Kid Marley had many clever sayings related to his life's work with horses. One of those was, 'That horse has a lot of try in him.' To be accurate, he sometimes would say, 'boy' in place of 'horse.' Anyhow, he used this phrase to express his belief that the horse gave a lot of effort every time given the opportunity. The animal just never held back, but exerted a strong inclination to do whatever was prompted in an intense way. To me, my daddy's saying could be used to explain any player who never holds anything back when it comes to training, practice and play. The player gives his 'all-out effort' and doesn't slack off or back off from anything. I believe that same player will not be denied the opportunity at hand. He has an inner drive that others do not have. In my opinion, most people do not have 'a lot of try in them.' I can't tell you the reason, but I have noticed most people are set on cruise control. They seem content to let things go on by. Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I just don't understand, nor do I care to understand, cruise control mentality. I do, however, understand and associate myself with people who have 'a lot of try mentality.' If you get a team full of coaches and players with 'a lot of try mentality,' you have a great chance to attain championship caliber success. Question: Can you pass the 'a lot of try mentality' on to others? Answer: It is tough, but I think you can. As a matter of fact, I know you can. Leaders and coaches must possess the mentality first in order to pass it on to others. Next, they must demand that mentality from their team. Actions do speak louder than words, but using both actions and words to get the point across is going to be required. All coaches must set the tone for the team. Obviously, you have the ability or you would not be at that leadership level of coaching. When you get the 'a lot of try mentality' in place, I can tell you without hesitation your team will be hard for folks to handle. It's really pretty simple. It is really your choice as a coach. Do you want a cruise control team or 'a lot of try mentality' team? Which will it be? |