By: Norm Hewitt - Former Head Baseball Coach of Hillsborough High School (NJ) What causes it? Baseball basically involves three main categories of success through skill. We know that these categories include various skills, but I categorize them to our players to focus on the significance of their effect on winning games. Foot speed, physical size and strength, and basic athletic coordination are vital aspects found in all sports. However, an individual can be trained to build speed and strength in a limited capacity according to his natural given body type. This is not to say that increased practice or weight training won't improve a baseball player's performance. On the contrary, developing speed and strength will undoubtedly increase every player's skill level. This article will focus on the area that involves utilizing those levels of skill that have been developed and will be utilized from training and multiple repetitions to increase the level of success. Three Categories for Successful Baseball
But you can't compete or become successful if you can't throw the ball. If your players can't throw the ball properly, with any velocity or accuracy, there simply is no place or position for that player on the field. Now consider that you've eliminated two categories from your team's ability. Throwing the baseball can be taught, but the biggest culprit is the low elbow. Let's diagnose what it is, how to fix it, but most importantly, how to prevent it. A Low Elbow Usually Begins with Young Players. What is a Low Elbow? Veteran and high school coaches are well aware of this term. But even some of the high school teams we face will produce players that simply can't throw properly and possess weak throws. These are the areas that we attempt to capitalize upon. A low elbow is a defect that reduces arm speed due to improper alignment of the feet, shoulders and hips when preparing to throw. It's better known as "Flying Open”. It also creates a lack of time and distance required to build hand speed. It is usually detected by a player pointing his glove foot toe or belly button toward his target and dropping his throwing elbow below his shoulder when delivering the ball in a pushing motion. It's a short delivery usually exemplified with a minimal distance of hand travel. The arm lags and there is no power because there is no hip rotation to develop torque on the lower side. The elbow comes to an abrupt stop and with extended time, can hyper extend the elbow joint and even cause permanent damage. You can also observe that low elbow throws usually place the hand under the ball and result in a "Pie Throwing” motion. The throws are usually weak, rainbow in nature compensating for reduced hand speed, and fly upward rather than in line drive fashion to the target. The ball usually is low or doesn't reach its destination. How to Fix a Low Elbow There are many pointers that can assist in correcting a low elbow. First, be sure the player is in his most powerful position. A player's feet will always dictate and facilitate his strongest position. His feet should be placed as if he were preparing to hit, and his target of throw is to the pitcher, (illustrated by a 90 degree angle of his foot position to the line of the target) Simply put, he's viewing his target over his glove-side shoulder. (We have our pitchers increase the lower part or hip rotation to show the numbers on his back and his glove side back pocket for greater torque.) We advocate keeping the elbows pointing downward as though squeezing something under the arm pits. This creates a glove and hand position with the fingers pointing upward and close to the body at about chin height. It encourages a smaller more compact position for a quicker response. Now when we separate, or proceed to transition and separation, we tend to go downward, back, around and upward, rather than laterally sideways, in a bow and arrow, shortened fashion. The front toe, or lead toe, should be touching the ground with heel off the ground and facing the target. This provides for a softer more direct step toward the target. With the lower body in its proper position, have the player step or stride forward without turning his hips. Keep the player in the closed position as if he were striding to hit a pitch; hips and shoulders back and loaded. He soon realizes not to prematurely open his front side and drop the elbow. Upon his stride, have the player drop his hands downward, stride forward toward his target gaining ground, reach back to the launch position, and freeze.
Prevention and Correcting Tips and Drills The best way to prevent any bad habit is to never allow it in the first place. Our camps begin at age 6 and have provided us with a good opportunity to develop good habits early on in a youngster's career. We are very active in our youth leagues with free coaches' and kids' clinics during the winter and early spring. This has proven to be very effective with increasing interest in our programs. Teach and reinforce good habits by reading and studying information that has proven to be successful. My grandson recently turned 8 and is playing in the little league system. While his throws are a bit erratic at times, his velocity and arm action are very good. He sets his feet and throws with an elevated arm. He rotates his hips for power, and that's what is important at this time. When players feel successful, they'll train harder and become more confident and coachable. Fundamentals win games and starting early is the key. Final Tips and Drills to Correct Low Elbow Throwing