Watch as Coach Neal Neathery explains TX-San Antonio’s Open Field Tackle Drill.
D-Line Heel Line Pursuit Drill
Watch as Coach Brick Haley teaches the D-Line Heel Line Pursuit Drill.
Pass Def. – Categorizing Pass Routes Drew Sanders – Vandegrift HS (TX)
Watch as Coach Drew Sanders explains Categorizing Pass Routes in the 4-2-5 Def.
5 Pass Rush Drills for the Defensive Lineman
The use of the Gilman tall pop-ups is very fundamental to our pass rush drill training. After we’ve done all the basic things – drills, footwork – we transition to this full-speed drill set. This drill set combines conditioning, great take-off…
Draws, Screens and the Sprint Out Pass
I want to start out with something a little different from what you may have seen before. I will get to draws and screens in just a minute. I found this at a clinic that I went to a few years ago. I had never seen this at a clinic before…
The Flexbone Pistol Complementary Plays with Art Craig
Watch as Coach Art Craig discusses Complementary Plays in The Flexbone Pistol Offense.
Defending the Spread Offense
I want to talk to you about defensive back philosophy and fundamentals. However, I want to start talking about what we look for in athletes at Ohio State. I always talk about core values. That is one of Coach Meyer’s big things. The core values are..
Joe Flacco’s Pocket Drill For Explosive Movement
Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco performs a Pocket Drill to improve his explosive dropback for escaping pursuing defenders.
Pass Protection Drills
The shuffle mirror is also known as mirror dodge or chase the rabbit. Two cones are needed. Set the cones 6 or 7 yards apart. Draw a chalk line or use a yard line out on the football field. The offensive lineman can crowd the line but must never…