Tim Howard's Shutout Workout
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"As a goalkeeper you need to be flexible and explosive,” Howard says. “We’re not running long distances. Every way you move—whether it’s forward, to the side, diving, or jumping—is a short, sharp, explosive movement. It happens like that.” [Snaps his fingers.] Howard’s workout prepares him to do exactly that—move forcefully and fast whenever he needs to. Jumping moves and explosive lifts like Snatches and Med Ball Throws help activate fast twitch muscle fibers, so Howard can react quickly when opponents come barreling toward the goal. And core strength allows him to contort his body, bend and twist to “make lots of ‘comfortable’ saves,” as he calls them. “They may be difficult saves, but you try and make them look easy." Explosive Lifting Kettlebell Snatch
Sets/Reps: 3-4x5 each arm Overhead Med Ball Throws
Sets/Reps: 3x10 Jumping Box Jumps
Sets/Reps: 3x6 Skater Pause Jumps
Sets/Reps: 3x6 each side Partner Tennis Ball Reaction Drill
Sets/Duration: 3x20 seconds Core Strength Dead Bugs
Sets/Reps: 3x10 each side Physioball Rollouts
Sets/Reps: 3x10 Med Ball Russian Twists