Dealing With Downward Spirals By: Bill Beswick - Head Coach, Immaculate Heart Academy Originally Published in: One Goal - The Mindset Of Winning Soccer Teams - Human Kinetics
When adversity strikes, pressure goes up, whether real or perceived, and it becomes easier to be pessimistic and drawn into a negative mindset. Coaches must not allow adversity to become the starting point for a downward spiral. In my experience the playing season demands attention on so much day-to-day detail that managers and coaches in a soccer club often do not have the space or time to reflect on the big picture. This lack of perspective can mean that the effect of adversity is not recognized soon enough, so an insidious descent into a downward spiral begins to gather pace. Upward spirals need recognizing and encouraging, often by doing less rather than more, whereas downward spirals need awareness and remedial action as early as possible.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter (2004)