Originally Published in: Game Ready - 52 Takeaways for Winning If you are a professional, or at the least someone who has sought out to be a champion, you probably have experienced 'The Grind.' For you this may mean a lot of work, a lot of hours at work, and a lot of 'no fun,' time consuming stuff. There's a lot of truth in that description. Someone, in fact, a lot of 'someones' have already gone through 'The Grind' to become the very best possible in your field. I don't know what 'The Grind' is in your chosen field, but I have a simple suggestion. Pick up the phone and call someone who does know! Now, having said all of the above, let me personally share with you one bit of advice-you better beware of 'The Grind.' If all you do day in and day out is 'The Grind,' well, you will eventually grind yourself out of your chosen field. Some people will agree and some disagree with that last statement, but that is a matter of opinion. To me, you have to find some balance in life. I coached football for thirty-seven years, and it was only recently that I figured this out. You might call me a slow learner. I just call myself dumb for not figuring it out earlier. In the latter years of my career, I made 'The Grind' less of a grind, and guess what happened? We still won games. Now, it's not as if all hard work stopped and everyday was a vacation. We still got after it! We just did it in such a way that made life easier on us as coaches, and that worked in our particular situation. To be successful in your chosen profession, you will inevitably go through 'The Grind.' My question to you is, Will you let 'The Grind' become such a grind that 'The Grind' eventually grinds you up? Only you can answer that question. It's really pretty simple. 'The Grind' is necessary. I flat out mean 'The Grind' is essential to success. But you don't have to lose yourself in 'The Grind.' Stay healthy, wise, and wealthy, and find the balance in life that works for you. |