Originally Published in: Game Ready - 52 Takeaways for Winning I can't speak for you, but I certainly can for me. I always want to know the consequences that may be involved before I do something. Now, to me, the word consequence doesn't have a big elaborate definition. It simply means what happens when you do or don't do something. Last time I looked, I live in the greatest nation on the planet, the United States of America. Now, in this great country a person can do anything they want to do. You are probably saying, 'No you can't.' You may be saying to yourself, 'You can't rob a bank in the United States or just haul off and punch someone in the face.' Stop and think about it for a minute. Sure, you can, but after you do you will deal with the consequences of your actions. In this country we have something called laws which dole out the consequences. We can play this game all day, but I bet you get the picture. I will say this about consequences; they come with every action a person does or doesn't do. Consequences are negative and positive. I personally believe when most people hear the word consequences their first thought is negative. But think about it, if consequences are a result of our actions then they can also truly be positive. In the athletic world, when a player works out with intensity, purpose, and passion, the consequences will be a bigger, faster, and stronger athlete. Sounds pretty positive to me. When a person truly gives their best effort in whatever they are doing usually good things happen. Sounds pretty positive to me. Well, on the flip side, if a person is lazy and expects everything to be given to them, usually they are just 'flat out of luck.' Sounds pretty negative to me. Personally, I would rather work on the 'positive than negative.' Ultimately, it comes down to you and your choices. Sound familiar? Again, I can't speak for you but I can for me, and this is how I approach 'consequences.' I live by this philosophy when it comes to how I spend my time. 'All negative people, stay away from me. I don't want any of that negative stuff you got infecting me. All you positive people, come hang around me. I want that positive stuff you got infecting me.' It's really pretty simple. There are consequences in everything that we do. Those consequences are either 'positive or negative' dependent upon the choices we make. Hopefully, your choices will bring positive, not negative, consequences. Let's face it. We're all human and make mistakes, so hopefully you will learn from the negative as well as the positive. One thing I am sure about, we all will have to deal with consequences - positive or negative. |