By: Jack Tarr CMAA, Retired / New AD Coordinator for the NSIAAA The Nebraska State Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NSIAAA) in Nebraska started a new state award, the Mike Purdy/Mike McMahon NSIAAA Emerging AD Award, to recognize new(er) ADs in the profession and recognize the great work they are doing. The idea was developed to honor newer ADs, one through five years in service, who become involved in their local conference, district, state, and national organizations. Areas of involvement would include serving on committees in conference, state, or national level, helping host conference, district, or state events, and being presenters for these organizations or other aspects of service in their jobs. Any school or AD in the state could nominate an AD for this award. It is named in honor of Mike Purdy, the NSIAAA Executive Director for 17 years and Mike McMahon, a past board member who was active in helping new ADs begin their careers. This award is given to any athletic administrator with one to five years of service in athletic administration who is presently a member of the NSIAAA. The recipient will be active in district and state activities, attend NSIAAA conferences and events, and show the ability to lead their school in an efficient manner as an athletic director. The Board of Directors will determine the recipient (one) of this award on a yearly basis, which will be presented at the Spring Awards Banquet. This award will be given in the form of a plaque. In the first year of this recognition, superintendents from two schools nominated their ADs. Jenny Wagner, CAA from Centennial Public Schools was the first Nebraska AD selected to receive the award. As an organization, the NSIAAA is looking for ways to keep new ADs involved in the profession as well as finding ways to recognize their hard work. We will see in the near future if this idea is successful in keeping new ADs. |